Thursday, December 4, 2014

Star of the Week

During the first week of school we send home a letter, poster and schedule for "The Star of the Week." Star of the Week is something I do in my class which allows one student every week to be the "star." The child completes and decorated a poster that is all about him or her. Each day during the week that he or she is the star he or she brings in something about him or herself that allows the class to learn more about him or her. The schedule for what they bring is the following: 
  • Monday: Family pictures 
  • Tuesday: Favorite music 
  • Wednesday: Favorite toy 
  • Thursday: Favorite book 
  • Friday: Favorite snack to share with the class
The below image shows the poster and how their poster is displayed in my classroom. His or her poster is returned during the second week of school and stored in the classroom until her or she is star of the week, and then returned to him or her to take home once he or she is no longer the star. 

Below is another image of a student's poster. As you can see the child is able to make the poster his or her own by how it is decorated. Completing the poster is encouraged to be a family project. 
 This image is a close-up of Ellamae's poster that is above. My favorite part is what Ellamae said she wanted to be when she grew up!

There are many different ideas for Star of the Week. In the past other teachers in my building have done Rockstar of the Week, Player of the Week and Special Person of the Week. My student love being Star of the Week and look forward to it until it is their turn.

After all of the students are the star my co-teacher and I are also the stars of the week. Then it is the parents turn! We have a sign up sheet for any parent that wants to be the star. The parent is given a poster in secret and fills out the poster without their child knowing. The parent fills out the poster and puts a picture of him or her when he or she was 4 years old. Each day the parent brings in the same items the children are suppose to and the children guess who's parent they think it is. The Star of the Week become the Mystery Star of the Week. On Friday, or whenever the parent is able to, he or she comes in and reveals him or herself to the class. The children love it and view it as a game! The children talk about it to their parents and then more parents sign up.

How have you extended your Star of the Week?

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