Wednesday, November 12, 2014

About Me

To my students I am known as Ms. Callie. I am a Pre-K teacher at a preschool in Naperville, IL. I have been working at the school for five years in December! I have worked in almost every classroom from Infants to Pre-K 2. Last March I took over for one of the Pre-K teachers that was leaving and I have loved it every since. I decided to create a blog about being a Pre-K teacher. In my blog I will discuss Pre-K practices that I do in my classroom. I will discuss classroom management techniques, activities, bulletin boards ideas, assessments, best practices, resources I use, etc.

For my first post I wanted to share with you one of my favorite quotes.

Today with technology, academic pressure, and safety concerns children are not able to just play. Children are not able to use their imaginations and creativity. Many children have a hard time making decisions independently because they are used to being told what to do and how to do it. It is not their fault they have become accustomed to it. Being able to do something is great but being able to do something new and think outside of the box using your imagination as Einstein said will take you everywhere. In my classroom I try to incorporate choice, freedom and imagination when possible. For example one of the skills for Pre-K is builds with a different sized blocks. Instead of telling my students to build something specific that was related to the theme I told the students to pick what blocks they wants and to build anything they wanted. Below are picture of three of my students building with their imagination. 
 Eva built a princess castle where she was the princess :)

 Jay built a carnival where the people were waiting in line to take a turn on the ride that went round and round. 
Zander built a monster house who was a bad guy and Zander was going to stop him by using the ice power from his hands. 

Something as simple as letting the children take the lead and make their own decisions makes the children more engaged and it takes a conversation with the students. 

Does anyone else have any ideas or activities that he or she has done with his or her students that allowed the students to use their imaginations?

You can follow me on Pinterest and check out my teaching board to see different activities, lessons, and ideas that I have pinned. My user name is Callie Lee and you can click on the following link to see my Pinterest at Cjarrett

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