Saturday, April 4, 2015

Classroom Door Decorations

Every month or so the students create a piece or art work for the classroom door. Sometimes the door is themed for the season, lesson plan or what the students' interests are. My current class loves the song "Blue Bird, Blue Bird," which is a children's song that many teachers sing during circle time. However, my co-teacher changed the words slightly to the following:

Blue bird, blue bird, through my window
high diddle diddle day day day 
(Child's Name) pick a little partner
Tap them on the shoulder 
high diddle diddle day day day 

We sing the song every day during free choice when the students are allowed to pick the center that they want to go to in the afternoons. We pick the student that has been behaving the best that day to first pick a partner and then pick their center. We sing the song over and over until all of the students are at a center. My current class loves the song and asks to sing it multiple times during the day. So this month we decided to create blue bird for classroom door, which is shown below. 

Each student cut out their own blue bird and glued on the bird's feet, mouth and drew on its eyes. The students also wrote their last names on the birds. During the first half of the year the students write their first names to practice writing their first name in proper case. After winter break the students start writing their last names to learn how to write their full name in proper case. 

Below is an image of another door artwork where the students voted on their favorite character in a story and created the character to be displayed on the door. Some of the characters that the students chose were the following:
The students wrote the name of the character and then their first and last name to practice writing most of the letters in the alphabet in proper case.

How do you integrate your students' interests into your classroom?

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