Friday, April 3, 2015


A great communication tool that we use at the preschool I work at is a new form of technology called ParentShare. ParentShare is a paperless solution to communicate with parents. At the preschool we use it to send pictures of the students daily in different activities for the parents to see first hand what their child or children are doing as school. Many parents have told me that they forward the emails to grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends! I have heard nothing by positive feedback about ParentShare. 

ParentShare is sent though an iPod that we are fortunate to have at the school and it is sent directly to the parents' email addresses that are on file. The teachers take the pictures that use an app on the iPod and create a message to send to all of the students or you can select certain students to send it to. 

Below is an example of a ParentShare that I sent of my co-teacher doing Character Education with the students where they are practicing using their atten-o-scopes that help them focus their attention. 

We use two puppets that are used in the whole school names Lola and Lenny that help the teacher act out different situations for the students.

How do you incorporate technology in your classroom?

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